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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.3.1 -> Radio support?

On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 10:28:04PM +0100, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> No, it just means that radio stations are not yet automatically
> added to channels.conf. If you like, you can enable the line
>          //XXX TODO case 0x02: // digital radio sound service
> in VDR/sdt.c and see what happens.

Oh, great, then as soos as mplayer and dvd plugin work I could switch to
1.3 ;-)

> Well, I recently posted a message about this, but apparently that
> doesn't help... :-(

Well, it was still a problem for me: it was a "new" subject, then it
need a new thread, but it's kind of replay to the annoncement, then it
should belong to the same thread :-)

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