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[vdr] Re: Nothing good for me... [Was]-> ( Implementing new device, but video is choppy)
Hi Philippe,
On Wednesday 14 January 2004 20:11, Philippe Gaultier wrote:
> ...
> 1) Implementing device like the SoftDevice Plugin
> OSD : Ok
> Video Replay : Excellent for Recordings, Choppy for live TV
> 2) Adding pre-buffering and flush_buffer (when switching to pmNone)
> Video Replay : Excellent for Recordings, Choppy for live TV
> 3) Adding pre-buffering but no more flush_buffer
> Video Replay : Live TV is choppy
> : Recording is excellent
> Switch back to Live TV after playing a recording and WITHOUT flushing the
> buffer, Live TV is excellent
> So I tried with a bigger videobuffer (256kB, 512kB, 1MB, 4MB)
> Always the same ..., Only IFRAME (I think) for Live TV
Maybe i'm wrong, but
how does you control the output "speed" of your decoder ? You have to adjust
your decoding system clock to that of the data source. That's the reason for
the SCR (System Clock Reference)-Fields in the MPEG format definition.
If it's not done, your buffer could run empty resulting in choppy video
When reading data from a file (replay mode) the data source is controlled by
the speed of your decoder (it reads what it needs).
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