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[vdr] *****SPAM***** CAM - Switching Problem

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Has anybody else got the same little problem:
If I record from the encrypted channel SF1 I can't
watch the encrypted channel SF2 - "Channel not available".
But when the last channel I watched, was SF1 the same
sometimes happens, when I start a recording on SF2.
I get an "emergency exit"

It is like if channel-switching between encrypted channels
sometimes fails. And the initialising of encryped channels
after newly loading the driver and restarting vdr takes
too long. I get as long as the recording should last a

Normally I avoid this by just switching to an unencrypted
channels as last task before I stop watching TV.
But sometimes I forget this simple step.

I think of a two-step solution:
First: vdr should be configured to always tune to channel 1
        when restarting.
Second: A longer timeout to give enough timeout for records
         from encrypted channels.


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