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[vdr] Re: How come there's no full EPG

On 1 Feb 2004, at 10:08, bigg wrote:

Out of intrest, how come we only get now and next for the EPG? I can
understand that uk digital terrestrial only broadcasts now and next info,
but what about from satellite? Do they only broadcast now and next
unencrypted or something? And the full 7 day listings encrypted? Or has
someone just not quite got around to coding full support yet? Or is it not
quite as easy as I make it sound? Seeing as I really have no idea.
Sky operate their own EPG which is available on digital satellite.

According to another poster on this list, it's encrypted, but in
a largely trivial way.  The poster was working on a plugin to grab
the Sky EPG and feed it into VDR.  I've not heard anything on this
for months and months.

I know there are various plugins to do this kind of thing, but as of yet
i've not had any success in getting any of them working. Which is
unfortunate. If anyone in the UK wants to write some kind of plugin that
takes XML data from that could be quite
cool :) I might have a look into this, but with lacking C++ skills and
hardly any knowledge of the vdr internals, I don't really know where to
Yeah, seems to be a decent enough source.


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