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[vdr] Re: VDRAdmin and VDR 1.3.x

Jan Ekholm wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Feb 2004, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> >Might be a problem with the NID, which is apparently '0' for
> >channels 6 and 7. I wonder why your provider uses a network id
> >of '0'...
> Could be a problem if it is used as some kind of unique id. Didn't VDR
> write out that before, or did it basically forge the info if it was bad?
> It wouldn't be the first time that data is basically screwed up in our
> transmissions over here. :) The most annoying is probably the misuse of
> the title, subtitle and description in the EPG data over here.

Meanwhile VDR accepts NIDs of value '0'. But maybe VDRAdmin doesn't?


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