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[vdr] no home brew DVDs with DVD Plugin?

I'm trying now since a few days to make DVDs from my DVB-T vdr with DXR3 and 
Nova-T and I have no success since then.

First I tried vdrconvert, which made a complete Image.iso, but replay of that 
Image (without burning) resulted in choppy video and choppy sound (title 
screen and movie screen worked...). Play back was tested with the DVD Plugin, 
which works fine with bought DVDs. I also tried ogle on this image, and it 
hangs after the title screen.

Next I took vdsrsync alone and let it produce a complete iso, which let to the 
same results. I tried this also on a different machine with another tcmplex 
version. No changes. 

The I tried ProjectX, and tcmplex, 
dvdauthor and mkisofs... Now, ogle works fine on this file, but the DVD Plugin 
still doesn't.

I tried DVD Plugin 0.3.4rc6 and 0.3.4rc10 with the DXR3 patches. Both show the 
same choppy result.

So I am with my Latin1 at the end :-). I don't think that I am doing something 
which is not possible as many people use vdrconvert or vdrsync to produce DVDs 
which they then playback via vdr.

I tested different versions of all programs: tcmplex, dvdauthor, dvd-plugin, 

At last I think it could have something to do with the lower bitrate of DVB-T, 
but I don't see any reason for that. 

Oh, and to remark one thing: mplayer plays everything I produced perfekt... 

If there is interest, I can provide the vdr file I am working on (of course, I 
tested on other files too), it is about 18 Megs largs, I could also provide 
the DVD-Image for that.

Any help would be really appreciated


Stephan Skrodzki                                     mobile: +49(173)2003491
Berlin, Germany                            (Exact adress on request)

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