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[vdr] Re: SVDRP question wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to find my way aroung SVDRP and have a question.
> Is SVDRP data "persistent"?
> If I for example retrieve the channellist using LSTC, and I re-order the
> channels using lirc after that, what will happen?
> if LSTC sends mit this (abbreviated):
>     1:RTL
>     2:SAT.1
> and then reorder them using the remote control to:
>     1:SAT.1
>     2:RTL
> what will a "DELC 1" remove (if I do not close the SVDRP connection in
> between)?
> Same applies for timers, apparently (these are the only one's I'm
> interested in at the moment).

It will always act upon the current data, i.e. in your example it
would delete SAT.1.

There will have to be some locking mechanism onve SVDRP supports more
than one connection at a time.


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