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[vdr] Re: mp3plugin + 126p6AIO ... etc

On 06 Feb 2004 Steffen Barszus <> wrote:

> Yep it reacts axactly the same as described. whereever i are in the dir 
> structure - if i press the yellow button for "play all" it plays allways the 
> same dir. Possibility one: I don't understand how it is supposed to work, 
> Possibility two: there is a bug. What i would like it have to do is if i 
> press that button it plays all songs that are in current dir including dirs 
> and subdirs. 

The way it's supposed to work is (not that this way sounds
logical to me today, but it did when I put together the code):

To play a directory (and it's sub dirs) browse to the parent
directory of the one you want to play, move the cursor to the
directory name and press the red "play" button (not "ok" as this
will enter the directory).

Obviously this way it's not possible to play the complete MP3
source, as you can't browse to the parent of the base directory.
So if you're in the base dir (and only then) the yellow "play
all" is shown, which means play all files on this MP3 source.


Stefan Huelswitt  |

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