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[vdr] vdr 1.3.x changes PIDs circular


I observed the following behaviour of vdr 1.3.x:

It found a new channel
"TEST-R:11837:h:S19.2E:27500:901:902:204:0:28130:1:1101:0" and change the PIDS from 901:902 to 701:702 and vice versa. I've the
following entries in the syslog:

changing pids of channel 1010 from 701+701:702:204 to 901+901:902:204
changing pids of channel 1010 from 901+901:902:204 to 701+701:702:204
changing pids of channel 1010 from 701+701:702:204 to 901+901:902:204
changing pids of channel 1010 from 901+901:902:204 to 701+701:702:204
changing pids of channel 1010 from 701+701:702:204 to 901+901:902:204
changing pids of channel 1010 from 901+901:902:204 to 701+701:702:204

This occurs very often, with a gap of 1-5 minutes (I'll guess, this depends
on the EPG-scanner). Is this a fault of the tv-station or a fault of vdr's

btw. It seems to be the german channels Phoenix and Bayern Alpha (depends on
the PID settings), which are already somewhere in the list.


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