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[vdr] VDR 1.3.4: bug in EPG pref. languages

EPG preferred languages are not handled correctly in VDR 1.3.4.
This patch should fix it:

--- config.c    2004/02/08 15:04:41     1.122
+++ config.c    2004/02/09 16:57:59
@@ -374,7 +374,9 @@
   int n = 0;
   while (Value && *Value && n < I18nNumLanguages) {
-        int i = I18nLanguageIndex(Value);
+        char buffer[4];
+        strn0cpy(buffer, Value, sizeof(buffer));
+        int i = I18nLanguageIndex(buffer);
         if (i >= 0)
            Values[n++] = i;
         if ((Value = strchr(Value, ' ')) != NULL)


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