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[vdr] Zooming in on a region of the screen

Kind of related to my previous question regarding APIDs, what is the
feasibility of a plugin to zoom in on a specific region of the screen. The
concept is as follows:
Certain channels broadcast "mosaics" containing 4, 6 or even 9 images. The
plugin would allow you to define how many images were on a given mosaic, and
then superimpose an OSD "grid", which you could navigate using the arrow
keys. When you push OK, the plugin would then zoom the corresponding region
of the screen. I realize the resolution would be a bit pants, but it would
probably be sufficient to display a decent enough image, no? To see the sort
of mosaic I mean, tune to
BBCi Mosaic:10847:v:S28.2E:22000:2305:2306,2307:0:0:6900:2:2050:0



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