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[vdr] Re: qestion about thread priorities-> suggestion

On 15 Feb 2004 Guido Fiala <> wrote:

> However - this does not set the "nice-value" but the priority of the thread, 
> the posix-interface seems not to know about "nice"
> Actually it did not result in a noticeable change, using top i could'nt even 
> prove that the priority has actuall been changed.
> Interesting enough not even calling a nice(19) in the cutting-thread did 
> actually help here (although it is now visible set according to top).

The cutting process doesn't takes much CPU cycles but causes IO
load. You cannot "nice" IO load. And most desktop systems using
IDE drives have a bad system responsivity when the full IO
bandwidth is used (even with UDMA enabled).

To improve the situation VDR would have to throttle the disk accesses by
it self.

Stefan Huelswitt  |

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