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[vdr] Re: SysFS Support

> Hi,
> I just had a look:
> I have kernel 2.6.0 (SysFS enabled) and there is indeed no /proc/video but
> vdr (1.2.6) runs just fine...
> ...
> Hm wait now that i think about it, i cannot use xawtv (or such) to bring
> the
> vdr picture to my vga card since i upgraded to 2.6.0 also the SVDRP GRAB
> command does not work....
> Could this be related?!

i use 2.6.0 until NOW 2.6.3-rc1 .

xawtv is my only source to watch with vdr (i do not use a TV). it works.
maybe you have to get a newer xawtv release! - in 2.6. they included video4linux
v2. (v1 support through a compat-module)
and i never had to patch vdr for this. AND i use sysfs.

for what reason do we need /proc/video?!


manuel hartl

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