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[vdr] Re: Feature Request: restart on UPT

Hi Klaus,

Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:

The emergency exit is initiated from within a thread, while the actual
exit is done in the main loop. So there may well be several 'initiation emergency exit'
Yes, that's clear. But I thought, the problem was reading off a channel before it is locked. And I assumed, the additional time for several UPT was introduced by waiting for this lock. And I thougt, the UPT wasn't expected until the waiting for a lock was done, because reading was delayed. But I obivously was wrong.

The next developer version of VDR will initiate an emergency exit
after 10 UPT errors per recording.
I never saw a single UPT. They always remained until restart. So waiting for 10 will be wasting of time. Ok, it will be only seconds. Perhaps you could enter a syslog, when ending a recording ok and there _was_ an UPT (and therefore not 10), so we could scan for it after a while.


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