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[vdr] Re: ~OT~: MTV3 and Subtv on HTV cable

On Sun, 22 Feb 2004, Rene Hertell wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > Can sombody tell me new frequency for the mux that has MTV3 and Subtv..?
> > And that's in HTV network in Helsinki area, Finland.
> >
> > Somehow scan doesn't find those channels at all.. It seems that everything
> > else is found, but not that mux..
> >
> > and Farscape is starting in couple hours... :(
> Does this page give any help (maybe there is more info in the manuals for
> the set-top boxes)?


It just gives the starting frequency for the scan, 162MHz.. But that
doen't give me those channels.. All other channels it does find.


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