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[vdr] Re: EPG data for BBC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Dorling []
> Sent: 22 February 2004 18:00
> To:
> Subject: [vdr] EPG data for BBC
> Hi,
> can someeone else who also gets BBC channels on Astra 28.2 East tell
> whether they have full EPG for those channels? VDR only shows me the
> two programms, never more. And this is the same on all the channels on
> that
> satellite. The EPG on Astra 19.2 E is correct.
> Are there any settings that will control it in VDR, apart from EPG
> Cheers Brian

BBC and the other channels on the platform broadcast 3 lots of EPG
Now and next, next X hours and complete a 7 day listing.

Only the now and next is broadcast according to the DVB spec , the rest
is in a proprietry format in private data so VDR won't pick it up
without some specific code or plugin.  

Next X hours and Now&Next are broadcast on the same transponders as the
channels, the 7 day guide is broadcast on a separate transponder.

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