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[vdr] Re: vdr at dbox2

Alexander Olk wrote:
If somebody is interested...

vdr works on the dbox2. You can find the diff at in
cdk/Patches (the diff also includes the remote plugin and a special
dbox2 plugin, which handles dbox2 cam access, lcd support and dbox2 game

When Alexander wrote the above to this list on June 16th, 2003, I
thought: "What a great idea! a silent complete VDR box for the price
of a DVB card!".

What I did not know was, that "vdr works on the dbox2" only means you
can start vdr and use it for zapping (which you can already do under
neutrino). In particular, Alexander's VDR cannot play back NFS-mounted
VDR recordings, which is the main purpose I had in mind.

I extended Alexander's patch and I got playback to work, but I am not
happy with it. So far, I have observed at least the following problems:

1) Some VDR recordings play back just fine - for a while.
   I have watched some VDR recordings without problems for a while.
   After ~15 or 20 minutes of playback, the playback starts to
   have glitches. Stopping and re-starting playback sometimes
   helps, sometimes only rebooting the dbox helps.
   Reminds me of the old days when you had to reload the DVB driver
   for VDR to work properly.  ;-)

2) Some VDR recordings crashed VDR immediately with a segfault.
   I tried running VDR under gdb, but gdb crashes on startup. :-(
   I tried getting a core file, but the busybox shell does not
   seem to support that feature. :-(
   I put code into VDR that catches the segfault and sleeps long
   enough so I can attach the debugger to the running process.
   Strangely enough, with that code in, VDR never hits the
   signal catch routine!

3) The DVB driver on the dbox does not provide the necessary functions
   for any of the trick modes (Fast Forward, Fast Reverse, Slow Motion).

4) After a +- one minute skip, very often playback does not
   resume properly. Stopping and restarting playback with the
   blue button sometimes helps.

In summary:
  My current VDR version on the dbox can do playbacks - if you are
  very patient and forgiving.
  It does not have the stability of VDR on a PC.
  Some work is required on the dbox DVB driver. That would take me
  a very long time, as I have no experience in that area.
  I have given up and ordered a silent barebone PC system to
  replace my dbox2 (anyone want to buy a dbox2 from me?).
  I will offer my current version of the patch to the tuxbox folks.
  Maybe somebody else wants to pick up where I gave up?


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