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[vdr] Re: ARM crashing again (don't buy rev 1.3, rev 1.5 forreplay)

Michal Dobrzynski wrote:

Thanks Gregor,

It's very disappointing though that when people ask about which card to buy they either get no response at all or are told that the 1.3 - 1.6 cards are all essentially equal.
Hi Michael,

Don't get me wrong, these full featured cards should be fine when used what they were meant for: hooking up a sat or cable signal and watching television through them. Yes, there might still be the occasional crash once a week or so from a bad signal - but there might be different reasons to it. The rev 1.3 I have turned out to be very stable with a sat signal attached, this is why hardly anyone complains about them.

Back in 2002, just over a year ago, with drivers 0.94 the problem wasn't there so maybe at the time you queried there really was nothing wrong with a rev 1.3 for replay. As we have the problem with the new drivers (past 0.94) for over a year it seems we shouldn't recommend the old cards. It's not like this problem can't be fixed I think - it's just that it's fairly tricky and using a card for playback only is not such a common use that it's been a high priority to fix this.

The reason I'm saying rev. 1.5 has the problem is that it's detected as a rev 1.3 by the driver and someone contacted me off list who has the same problems with ARM crashes on such a rev 1.5. Maybe it would even help to have a rev 1.5 be detected as a 2.1 when they have the same tuner chips etc.

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