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[vdr] VDR 1.3.5 - serious bug patch


Even if you don't want to pick up my previous patch that contains this 
following, you should see attached patch file concerning a bug in 

This bug could provoke a segmentation fault about array index overflow.

--- descriptor.c.orig	2004-02-29 17:22:00.000000000 +0100
+++ descriptor.c	2004-02-29 17:27:46.000000000 +0100
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ void TimeShiftedEventDescriptor::Parse()
 void ContentDescriptor::Parse() {
    //this descriptor is only a header and a loop
-   nibbleLoop.setData(data+sizeof(SectionHeader), getLength()-sizeof(SectionHeader));
+   nibbleLoop.setData(data+sizeof(descr_content), getLength()-sizeof(descr_content));
 int ContentDescriptor::Nibble::getContentNibbleLevel1() const {
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void ContentDescriptor::Nibble::Parse() 
 void ParentalRatingDescriptor::Parse() {
    //this descriptor is only a header and a loop
-   ratingLoop.setData(data+sizeof(SectionHeader), getLength()-sizeof(SectionHeader));
+   ratingLoop.setData(data+sizeof(descr_parental_rating), getLength()-sizeof(descr_parental_rating));
 int ParentalRatingDescriptor::Rating::getRating() const {

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