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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.3.5

Lauri Tischler wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > The 'V' only appears if there is a VPS time that _differs_ from the
> > actual event start time.
> Umm..  is that why many German channels have different times.
> ie. EPG shows time 19:00, that is local here in Finland
> and VPS shows time 18:00, that is local in Germany.

The problem is that the start time is broadcast as UTC, while the
VPS time is broadcast as month, day, hour and minute, just as it would
be printed in a local tv magazine. When processing it I have to
convert it into UTC, and I do that using the local timezone
(see the processing of SI::PDCDescriptorTag in VDR/eit.c).
That explains the offset as you see it. I don't know whether there's
a way to find out the timezone offset of the tv station. I believe there
is supposed to be a descriptor for that, but it may not be transmitted...


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