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[vdr] Re: performance problems with vdr 1.2.x

Christoph Gohle wrote:
Hi all,

this is my first posting to this list and i hope this is the right forum for my question.

I am running vdr 1.2.6 on a Pentium 133 machine with a single Siemens DVB-s rev1.3 and i have big difficulties with performance:

As soon as the dvbdevice starts it's recieverthread (i.e. start of a recording, or still beining in transfermode after a recording) cpu usage goes up to 70 - 100% (when looking with top), which usually results in a broken recording and liveview because the transfer and recording threads cannot deliver thier data in time (ring buffer overflows).
If i disable DO_MULTIPLE_RECORDINGS and DO_REC_AND_PLAY_ON_PRIMARY_DEVICE so that the transfer thread is not started during a recording, still CPU usage goes up to 70%.

With the old vdr 1.0.4 cpu usage was barely more than 10% during a recording. So i wonder, why this is the case for newer versions (even without running in transfermode).

Does anyone have a clue where the cpu cycles go? Do i have to use a bigger cpu if i want to run vdr 1.2.x?

Best wishes,

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