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[vdr] Re: performance problems with vdr 1.2.x

> With the old vdr 1.0.4 cpu usage was barely more than 10% during a 
> recording. So i wonder, why this is the case for newer versions (even 
> without running in transfermode).
> Does anyone have a clue where the cpu cycles go? Do i have to use a 
> bigger cpu if i want to run vdr 1.2.x?

I am probably  experiencing the same problem. I'm using a DxR3 and Novas.
The cpu usage used to be way smaller with vdr 1.2.x. Today, doing a recording
while watching something else, uses 100% cpu. (K6-2 450)
Sometimes the sound starts to stutter and the picture jitters. I don't really know 
when and how exactly this changed. I've upgraded the dvb-driver, em8300, the 
dxr3-plugin and vdr. One of these four is probably the culprit.


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