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[vdr] Re: Sending VDR output to X11 window ?

On Donnerstag, 4. März 2004 10:37, DOm wrote:

[ ..]

> Well, under kernel 2.6.2 with vdr-1.2.6 (vanilla), streamdev-0.3.1 and
> patch04 for softdevice I made:
> ------------------------------------------------------------[ console ]
> $  LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4 ./vdr -Psoftdevice -Pstreamdev-client
> [softdevice] processing args
> [softdevice]   argv [0] = softdevice
> [softdevice] initializing Plugin
> [softdevice] Initializing Video Out
> [XvVideoOut]: initialized OK
> Xv: Savage Streams Engine: ports 52 - 52
> Xv: grabbed port 52
> setting XV_COLORKEY 0x000000

That is the message I was looking for and it is ok.



> Maybe the message regarding COLORKEY can be useful (remember that with
> patch02 OSD worked).
> The _window_ has wrong width but video is perfectly scaled, i mean that
> there are black bands on left and right.

Output window is now initialized in 16:9 mode.
You may change that in softdevice.c, around line 216, if initializer looks like:
videoOut = new cXvVideoOut (XV_FORMAT_NORMAL);
you should be back at 4:3 mode.

> Tell me how can i help with further debugging (maybe under kernel 2.4
> ??)
I don't expect that for the reason.

In method Refresh() file video-xv.c change the #if 0, line 552 before XShmPutImage
to #if 1 and deactivate XShmPutImage in method YUV around line 638. By that it still
works for me (but wrong centered OSD) but responiveness is rather slow 
takes a few seconds.

Stefan Lucke

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