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[vdr] LIRC and kernel 2.6.3

I'm running Linux 2.6.3-3 with VDR 1.3.5 on a Mandrake distribution. I have
a serial IR receiver that irrecord can see (provided lircd is not running).
I have see that the IR device is created as /dev/lirc/0 rather than as
/dev/lirc which is what the driver is expecting. 

However, attempts to modify vdr.c to change the device that lirc connects to
have proved unsuccessful. VDR states that the IR device 
" ERROR: /dev/lirc/0: Connection refused". 

I have checked that I have a /tmp/.lircd file. 

Does anyone have a serial IR device workining under a 2.6 kernel and if so,

Thanks Adrian 

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