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[vdr] TVTV documentation? Plugin improvements?

Is there any TVTV documentation available?

I had a look at the plugin because of time zone problems (it ignores the
TVTV time zone, as well as the machine's own time zone). I fixed that (quick
and dirty) for myself...

Also, the method of storing TVTV program name -> SID mappings in a C++
header file is a bit awkward... I actually modified it to look for the first
occurrence of the channel name. This works of course only when the names in
channels.conf are the same as in TVTV (they don't always use the same names
as transmitted in the stream), and you can't allow VDR to change anything in

I guess the only clean method would be to have a map of TVTV channel IDs to
VDR's method of identifying channels (but then the list would have to be

There are also other features which aren't implemented in the current plugin
but might be useful. If you e.g. mark a program for recording in TVTV, and
later unmark it, TVTV will send a "delete" message to the client (which in
this case ignores it).

Yet another problem is that TVTV sends the wrong time zone for some
channels. They seem to assume that the times are always in the originating
coubtry's time zone, which isn't always the case. E.g. BBC Prime lists their
programs in CET (but TVTV sends zone +0000 for it) - likewise, e.g. TV
Finland is in CET but TVTV sends +0200 for it.

I do like TVTV as it has fairly comprehensive international listings, and
programming can be really remote... and they haven't asked for money yet,
though I've had my "trial" account forever...

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