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[vdr] Re: MVP - nearly there

Hm - I'm missing somethiing with the audio streams :
My 001.vdr plays fine in mplayer but the MVP stutters and coughs due to
the 2 audio streams.

If I do 
mplayer -vo mpegpes -ao mpegpes -aid 0 001.vdr,
The grab.mpg output again plays fine in mplayer. On the MVP it is now
happy with the video, but there is no audio at all.
Must be something more to it :-(

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Dominic Morris
Sent: 13 March 2004 10:23
Subject: [vdr] Re: MVP - nearly there

On Sat, 13 Mar 2004, Nigel Magnay wrote:

> Interestingly the second track sometimes has voices on it - I'm not 
> sure what for - but a recording of a soap opera it had occasional 
> things like "tracy is upset" and "roy feels depressed" (!!)

Aha, audio description for the blind, only a very few STBs support it I

Thanks for clearing up that little mystery!


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