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[vdr] Channel stays black -DVB-C / bttv

Sorry for the German mail - was a little bit too tired the time I wrote
it. Realised it after sending

But it seems that noone read it anyway. Please don't tell me it's a
double post. I know, but I presume you didn't take a look at it cause I
wrote it in German.

So, again in English.

At the moment I have two main Problems.

I run vdr-1.2.6 with analogtv-0.9.30 (! - latest stable) on kernel 2.6.3
with lirc-2.6.3-20040303 kernel-patch.

Hardware: Siemens DVB-C with analog-module and an Haupauge WinTV (old
but works).

Prob 1) everytime I switch from an analog channel back to a digital one
the sound of the analog channel remains open on my computer (not on TV -
there the digital channel's sound correctly comes). It seems that
switching the channel doesn't correctly close the analog TV card.

Prob 2) If I switch to ZDF (German TV) digital sometimes the TV stays
black. Programme information is correctly shown, but no sound or picture
comes. Restarting VDR does sometimes help, un- and reloading dvb-ttpci
seems to help always.

Sven Jordan        Eisenerzstraße 74       38229 Salzgitter
phone:++49 05341/790996             mobil: ++49 179/5986658

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