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[vdr] Re: no OSD & black screens

chris wrote:
Hi all,
For many channels, I have black screen. For the few channels I can look at, I have no OSD. So I compile vdr 1.2.6 with DEBUG_OSD=1, I was surprised to have

Just to add some information:
On some schannels I have OSD-information, but nor picture nor sound (e.g. Fox Kids Netherland, ORF1, ORF2, MTV Pop Channel, MTV2, VH1)

Black screens (no picture, no sound, no information besides channel name) e.g. on ORF Sat, MTV German, VH1 Classic

"Channel not available" (no channel name, no channel number, no picture, no soud) e.g. on Pro7 and TV Berlin (Pro7 Suisse works)

I think it's the same problem Chris wrote about.
Perhaps its possible to circle the problem?
Richard Müller - Am Spring 9 - D-58802 Balve -

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