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[vdr] Broken DVB-C card?


I've been having trouble with my VDR system. Right now I am suspecting
that I have overheated my Hauppauge DVB-C full-featured card, but I am
still hoping that that wouldn't be the case.


- The whole system sometimes hangs while loading the DVB driver
  modules. That is why I don't use the runvdr-script anymore.

- Usually VDR works fine, but doing two or more simultaneous recordings
  results often in ring buffer overflows. I am not sure whether this is
  a separate issue, but I remember that this has worked in the past.

- Seldomly the VDR seems to be unable to tune to channels, showing only
  black screen with no sound. Possibly a driver bug and in that case
  just a consequence of not using the runvdr-script to reload the
  modules. Reloading the modules helps---if it doesn't hang the
  computer, that is.

I'm using a AMD K6-2 450 MHz processor (with a 75 MHz bus clock) and I
have a TT budget DVB-C in addition to the FF card. However, these
symptoms were there also before I bought the budget card. I have also
tried two different hard drives as the recording storage, a 10 GB one
with ext3 and a 40 GB one with xfs. I use linux-dvb.2003-11-08 drivers
and VDR 1.2.6.

Right now I have a fan blowing straight to the FF card, but I guess that
doesn't help much if the damage is already done. How likely is it that I
have fried the card? The computer has been in a somewhat tight spot, so
the air flow probably has not been optimal. Is this expected behaviour
in this case? What kind of cooling do you use to keep your DVB-cards

Hopefully I'm guessing wrong here, since I'd rather not spend over 200
euros to a new FF card. Although---the card has been bought in April
last year, so I might get the card changed by using the 1 year (?)
warranty. However, before going there I would like hear your opinions on
what is the cause of these problems. A solution would be nice, too :)

Mikko    PGP public key fingerprint:
         8FC9 D413 3A31 95B3 6BEE  709B 494A 3EFB 9D36 4342

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