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[vdr] Re: [PATCH] vdradmin-0.95 for vdr-1.3

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Dennis Noordsij wrote:

>On Thursday 18 March 2004 09:44, Jan Ekholm wrote:
>> On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Rantanen Teemu wrote:
>> >This small patch should fix (at least some of) the channels that have zero
>> >NID.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Tested with vdr-1.3.6 on Finnish (Helsinki) HTV channels.
>> Great work Teemu! This has been troubling me since I switched to 1.3. The
>> channels here also seem to have NID==0. It got hard to live without the
>> autotimers, so I had to hack up a temporary solution, something like a
>> simple Master-Timer. No, I don't grok Perl. :)
>Just a quick question :-) I set up vdradmin a while back, and told it not to
>use the event ids for channels subtv and mtv3 (so it only uses time) but then
>it will add the exact same program for each and every autoupdate, with
>exactly the same times, on the same channels. If I turn event-ids on, I get
>several timers for the same program at different times, only one of which
>would be correct.

I'd say that you need to ask the channel providers, not the VDRAdmin
folks. At the same time you could ask them to start providing proper EPG
info, ie use the title, subtitle and description fields. VDRAdmin worked
well even when event id:s were not used at all, as the times for programs
rarely change.

Btw, I see you are from Movial, I was visiting your office a few days ago
for a meeting. :)


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