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[vdr] Re: VDR on MSI Hetis 865GV barebone

Andy carter wrote:
Anyone know how this compares size-wise wih a DVB-s 2.1 card? I also need to add my Nova-t 1.2 (much shorter card). Is there likely to be enough room for this too? IIRC it has to sit in a lower priority slot than the DVB-s.
AFAIK the 2.1 is not larger than the 1.3, so both the 2.1 and the Nova
should fit in any order. If the 2.1 is larger than the 1.3, it will only
fit into the lower slot (definitely without a floppy then!), which may
be undesirable, as it gets closer to the north bridge, which is quite warm.

The specs I've seen for this unit don't mention IR, so I guess that's got to be an add-on too.
I forgot to mention that I made a homebrew LIRC receiver for the serial port.


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