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[vdr] Re: final solution to the signalless operation problemfound!! -> testers+RFC required

On Wednesday 24 March 2004 21:59, Andreas Share wrote:
> this is only an workaround for use without signal...because you canīt do
> anything against bad weather conditions or some other things causes a less
> good signal the ARM (firmware) *must* never crashed under this conditions.
> And, so many other receivers around use the the frontend and tuner, without
> such problems.
> Because the older driver works much more solid under this conditions, only
> 3+4 could cause the problems.

Has this bug been introduced by the time-shifting firmware?
If this holds true, the bug _can_ be fixed in the firmware.
One of the firmware gurus should have a look what has changed there or
these problems will never end.

BTW, I tested no-signal operation with a DVB-S 1.3 and a DVB-S 2.1.
The 1.3 always crashes after a short time while the 2.1 has no problems
at all. I'll have a look on the tuner output with an oscilloscope as
soon as my time permits.


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