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[vdr] Re: AutoPID problem

Helge Lenz wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:
> >Helge Lenz wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>I discovered a small problem with the AutoPID:
> >>An entry like this:
> >>ProSieben:12480:v:S19.2E:27500:255:256;257:32:0:898:1:33:16387
> >>in the channels.conf (with the wrong NID) causes vdr with the AutoPID
> >>patch to generate a new entry at the end of channels.conf like this:
> >>ProSieben:12480:v:S19.2E:27500:8196:0:0:0:898:133:33:16387
> >>I think, vdr just should correct the wrong NID, agreed?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >No, not agreed.
> >The NID-TID-SID combination is what identifies a channel.
> >Therefore the definition
> >
> >  ProSieben:12480:v:S19.2E:27500:255:256;257:32:0:898:1:33:16387
> >
> >is a different channel than
> >
> >  ProSieben:12480:v:S19.2E:27500:8196:0:0:0:898:133:33:16387
> >
> >(the first one being S19.2E-1-33-898 and the second one S19.2E-133-33-898).
> >The second definition is the correct one.
> >
> >The question is: how did the NID '1' get into your channels.conf in the first place?
> >
> >Klaus
> >
> >
> Ok,
> my fault. I scanned with the "scan" application from the driver package
> and all NID where 0 and by stupidity I changed it to 1...
> But also with the scan output
> ProSieben:12480:v:S19.2E:27500:255:256;257:32:0:898:0:0:0
> generates a new channel. Is the zero a valid NID or TID? If not, then these zeros should be updated by AutoPID.
> Helge.

Infortunately there are stations that use NID=0 :-(

Why don't you just set all NIDs and TIDs to 0 and run VDR 1.3.6?
It has the autopid feature built in and works pretty good.


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