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[vdr] Re: commercial vdr box

Mattia Rossi <> wrote:

> I tried to contact the author of the article on digital sat, but
> received no answer whatsoever, I also started to get some informations
> from the italian branch of the free software foundation as to what
> steps could be taken in order to make them comply with the GPL, and
> they suggested that maybe they are including the source code on a CD
> with the system (higly unlikely).

i sent an email to asking, if i will get the source, when
i buy such a box.
> The next step I wanted to try was to check with someone who actually
> bought the system whether the source code is included , but at the
> moment I couldn't contact anyone with such a system ...

as they are distributing changed vdr code i think they would had have
to send their changes allready to klaus and the plugin authors. not only
provide the source to their customers. also they must not make a secrete
out of the fakt they are using GPLed code.

best regards ...

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