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[vdr] Re: [Announce] noad 0.4.1

On Sun, 2004-03-28 at 22:00, the Noad wrote:
> Hi,
> there is a new Version of noad available. You can find it on the noad-Homepage 
> at (or just google "vdr no advertising" ;-) . Most 
> changes are smaller bugfixes and minor changes in the configure-scripts. 
> There's also added a new switch for "nelonen" and an english readme.

I have another thing to check for when looking for ad-breaks: change in
aspect ratio! Several of the UK DVB-T channels do this, either switching
from 16:9 to 4:3 or from the weird '16:9-inside-4:3 mode which comes out
as having a black border round the outside with a dxr3' to a normal 16:9
mode (I think this is a weird mode which the dxr3 driver doesn't handle
properly yet).

Unfortunately, very few of the UK DVB-T channels use the logos which
noad looks for but when I had managed to record something with a logo
(the Grand Prix: has a little F1 logo!), noad did work for me.

I don't think we get AC3 broadcasts over here but I'll give that new
option a try...



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