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[vdr] missed vps recording


my wife tried to record something with active vps. Of course she knew, it is experimental, but due to good experiences, she was confident about it.

Here are the syslog portions:

Mar 28 20:10:00 (none) vdr[22015]: timer 3 (14 2015-2145 'Rosamunde Pilcher: Solange es dich gibt') entered VPS margin
Mar 28 20:10:00 (none) vdr[22015]: switching device 3 to channel 14
Mar 28 20:10:00 (none) vdr[22022]: channel 3 (ProSieben) event 20:00 'ProSieben Nachrichten' status 4
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22025]: channel 15 (3sat) event 20:00 'Tagesschau' status 4
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22015]: switching device 3 to channel 1
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22015]: timer 9 (1 2010-2230 '102 Dalmatiner') start
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22015]: Title: '102 Dalmatiner' Subtitle: ''
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22015]: record /video/102_Dalmatiner/2004-03-
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22015]: creating directory /video/102_Dalmatiner
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22015]: creating directory /video/102_Dalmatiner/2004-03-
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22015]: recording to '/video/102_Dalmatiner/2004-03-'
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22266]: recording thread started (pid=22266, tid=344086)
Mar 28 20:10:01 (none) vdr[22267]: receiver on device 3 thread started (pid=22267, tid=360471)

And later on then
Mar 28 21:45:05 (none) vdr[22015]: timer 3 (14 2015-2145 'Rosamunde Pilcher: Solange es dich gibt') set to no event

There where two additional recordings running on two more transponders. We have four cards, three full featured and one budget.

Device 1 and 4 only appear within tuner start and stop messages. But maybe that's ok, because there were no more than two recordings _really_ done.

At that time, I hadn't changed hw_sections to zero. But AFAIR this is another problem. It seems to me, that the channel was not blocked for other recordings while waiting for the vps start signal.


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