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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.3.6: Strange SEGFAULT in libsi/si.h

Sascha Volkenandt wrote:

> today I'm having a strange segfault about once every hour. Of course I've
> tried that with plain vanilla 1.3.6 after it happened a few times with my 
> patched version.
> The last things that happened before the crash (according to syslog):
> Apr  2 20:25:05 video vdr[31819]: changing transponder data of channel 1207 
> from S19.2E:12070:h:27500:3 to S19.2E:12460:h:27500:3
> Apr  2 20:25:05 video vdr[31819]: changing transponder data of channel 1606 
> from S19.2E:12070:h:27500:3 to S19.2E:12460:h:27500:3
> Apr  2 20:25:05 video vdr[31819]: changing transponder data of channel 1607 
> from S19.2E:12070:h:27500:3 to S19.2E:12460:h:27500:3
> Apr  2 20:25:38 video vdr[31819]: channel 28 (QVC GERMANY) event 10:00 
> 'Goldstücke' status 4
> Apr  2 20:25:38 video vdr[31819]: channel 21 (Bloomberg TV Germany) event 
> 10:20 'Bloomberg Forum' status 4
> Apr  2 20:25:38 video vdr[31819]: channel 11 (VIVA PLUS) event 10:00 'WOM 
> Music Shop' status 4

> All channels that are not or interest are behind no. 1000

> And I'm using VDR 1.3.6 (which worked fine until yesterday, today those 
> crashes happened), kernel 2.4.20, DVB 08-11-2003 on SuSE 8.2, everything 
> untouched for months now (meaning I didn't modify anything yesterday or 
> today).

I think the same thing happens resp. happened here on my box... VDR 1.3.6,
DVB 08-11-2003, Gentoo Linux (kernel 2.4.20r7), no major changes and had
been running stable for weeks:

Apr  2 16:26:03 vdr vdr[1270]: channel 4 (SAT.1) event 16:00 'Richter Hold'
status 4
Apr  2 16:26:09 vdr vdr[1270]: changing transponder data of channel 4000
from S19.2E:12070:h:27500:3 to S19.2E:12460:h:27500:3
Apr  2 16:26:09 vdr vdr[1270]: changing transponder data of channel 4020
from S19.2E:12070:h:27500:3 to S19.2E:12460:h:27500:3
Apr  2 16:26:09 vdr vdr[1270]: changing transponder data of channel 4021
from S19.2E:12070:h:27500:3 to S19.2E:12460:h:27500:3
Apr  2 16:26:56 vdr su(pam_unix)[1258]: session closed for user root

^ VDR was running as root and 'disappeared' at that point. My debugging
skills are virtually non-existant, so I simply removed those channels from
the channel list but that didn't really help. I guess the EPG scan or
autopid features might still be finding/accessing the (presumably) wonky
I've reverted to version 1.3.4 which seems to be unaffected by this (so


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