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[vdr] Re: Universal-remote (again)

On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 12:17:38 +0200, Guido Fiala <>

> I think the right way would be finding a Manufacturer+Device which has also 
> any of this different functions and use this device for any universal-remote 
> that has a code for it (so actually i do not need a code, but a hint which 
> devices have that many functions...)

I can really recommend the OneForAll remotes. I am using der Digital4
and the Kameleon. You can program distinct codes either with the Magic
key or by using the JP1 interface. With the JP1 interface it is even
possible to download own programs to interpret the key presses (short,
long, double, ...) and emit any code you like. Or you can implement
discrete on/off codes even the device that is controlled doesn't have
discrete codes for on/off.

Go and invest a few euros for a OneForAll and all the problems are gone.


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