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[vdr] Re: Problems with XMLTV2VDR and EPG data

well first tests give me BBC Four too now, after I added a dummy entry as you suggested.

Thanks for the tip.

Cheers Brian

Dominic Morris wrote:

On Sun, 4 Apr 2004, Brian Dorling wrote:

I get my EPG data for BBC channels via BLEB.ORG and send it to VDR with
XMLTV2VDR version 1.0.5. This works pretty well, except for one thing,
one of the channels (BBC 4) never gets any EPG Data in VDR. The other
three work OK.

Have you tried putting a dummy channel at the end of the xmltv.conf - I had this problem for a while and adding one made it go away. Pretty nasty, but it worked for me...



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