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[vdr] Re: Matrix CAM and Conax

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Ora Järvinen wrote:
>> I have a Matrix reloaded CAM since quite some time and it works
>> nicely in my Topfield TF3000.
>> Today I received the CI (floppy version) for my Technotrend 1.5 (VDR
>> 1.2.6-18).
>> I have an official TV Finland card (Conax).
>> The card  & CAM work fine in the Topfield.
>> I have only managed to get the combo running very randomly under VDR.
>> Basically, it only very occasionally descrambles the channel
>> (usually not, and if it does, it takes some time). When it does not,
>> it also usually blacks out all other (FTA) channels. In this case, a
>> CAM reset seems to be enough to make them visible again, but not to
>> enable the csrambled channel.
>> I can reliably start the CAM menu, and it also recognises the card
>> (says Conax card inserted).
>> There are occasional errors in syslog:
>> Apr  6 16:54:53 vdr vdr[30056]: ERROR: CAM: Read failed: slot 0,
>> tcid 1
>> Apr  6 16:55:01 vdr vdr[30056]: CAM: MR 1.053, 01, 0100, CEEC
>> What's going on?
> Which version of VDR are you using?

Says above - 1.2.6-18 :-)

> Have you tried with version 1.3.6?

No, not yet. If I have time, I might though. I'll let you know.

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