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[vdr] No clock setting with vdr 1.3.6


I've noticed, that my plain vdr 1.3.6 doesn't correct the clock. I've
enabled it in the settings and as the "clock"-transponder I've choosen "Sat1". With
this settings, vdr 1.0.x, 1.1.x, 1.2.x worked as expected. But vdr 1.3.6
(I've never tested vdr 1.3.1-1.3.5 for more than a few hours) doesn't correct
the clock, even if I watch or record Sat1 for a few hours. There are no log
entries in the syslog (the well known "system time = xyz & local time = xyz").
So I think this procedure isn't called.

For testing purposes I've adhusted my time 3 hours away from the right time,
so vdr should recognize that there is something wrong...

Have anyone the same behaviour noticed?


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