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[vdr] Re: Outdated EPG-Box

On Sunday 11 April 2004 12:28, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Oliver Endriss wrote:
> > I can confirm this with a single-card system (vanilla 1.3.6, EPG scan
> > disabled). If you switch to a transponder which has not been accessed
> > for a few hours you get outdated current/next information...
> Do you see the correct information if you turn the channel display off
> and on while on that channel? I would assume this is the case, and VDR 1.3.7
> will dynamically update that information while the channel display is on.

Yes, the current/next info is correct after a few seconds on the
transponder. Could it be that vdr uses out-dated running-status
information when I switch to the transponder?

I did the following test:
- disconnected the dish
- switched to "Das Erste"

1  Das Erste
10:25 Ostern in Rom
      Messe auf dem Petersplatz
12:45 Tagesschau

     Programm - Das Erste               Son 11.04 13:31
11.04   10:25     *     Ostern in Rom
11.04   13:25    V      Bilderbuch Deutschland
11.04   14:10    V      Royalty
11.04   14:40    V      Tagesschau
11.04   14:50    V      Heimatgeschichten
11.04   15:35    V      Willi wird das Kind schon schaukeln
11.04   16:55           Tom & Jerry
11.04   17:05           Tagesschau
11.04   17:15           Tiere vor der Kamera

Then I reconnected the dish and after a few seconds:

1  Das Erste
13:25 Bilderbuch Deutschland
      Lebuser Land
14:10 Royalty
      Königliche Geschichten

     Programm - Das Erste               Son 11.04 13:37
11.04   13:25    V*     Bilderbuch Deutschland
11.04   14:10    V      Royalty
11.04   14:40    V      Tagesschau
11.04   14:50    V      Heimatgeschichten
11.04   15:35    V      Willi wird das Kind schon schaukeln
11.04   16:55           Tom & Jerry
11.04   17:05           Tagesschau


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