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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] Sharemarks Project 0.1.2

[ANNOUNCE] Sharemarks Project 0.1.2

Hello everybody,

since I screwed the first announcement by placing it as a reply to a previous 
post, I would like to repost it and simultaneously update it:

What is the sharemarks Project:

The sharemarks project tries to make the exchange of VDR marks possible and 
easy. All marks are stored in a central database and are also retrieved from 
this central repository.

In a nutshell, it:
- maps a mark from a marks.vdr to a PTS (presentation time stamp) of the video 
- stores the generated "PTSmarks" on a web-server
- allows the retrieval of PTSmarks form the web-server, and converts them back 
to VDR marks
- does the above as convenient as possible

What do you need:

Perl and the Perl Module LWP::Simple
The Sharemarks-Package from

How to you use it:

- of course you can  use the program from the command line
- or you control it with your IR remote control via reccmds.conf 
- you can also perform an automatic upload of your marks whenever you cut a 

What changed in 0.1.2:
- made the function that extracts a channel from the timers.conf more robust
- corrected some mistakes in the documentation

Details about features, usage and installation can be found in the 
installation package, and (in German)  at

Have fun, and lots of marks ;-)


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