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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] xmltv2vdr-1.0.6


xmltv2vdr version 1.0.6 has now been released on the VDR FTP site. This 
tool allows EPG information to be read from the xmltv site which carries 
listings for Germany, Finland, US, New Zealand, UK, Sweden/Norway and 

This tool is helpful if you cannot get much information from your DVB
stream.  Full instructions are included in the tar file. This tool is 
tested with VDR 1.2.6 only - please report experiences with the latest 
development version, and submit patches where possible.

The latest version can be found at: -

Fixes since the last version include: -

2004-04-19: Version 1.0.6

- Added fixes for German and English HTML translations (&amp etc)
- Some people report having time problems, I suspect this is due to 
  incorrect time zone settings or problems with xmltv listings, but I have  
  added a skew setting to xmltv2vdr (e.g. -a -60 to set the listings data 
  back one hour).
- Tidied up the usage information
- Fixed SVDRReceive which caused broken pipe errors, and ignoring last 
  channel in the config file (no need for a dummy last line anymore!)
- Fixed small problem with pattern matching code (thanks to Dominic Morris
  and Tony Leino)

Please let me know any comments or problems,



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