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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.3.6 alternative output

Carsten Koch wrote:

since I managed to fry my second ff dvbs card in just 2 months (I'm not doing anything naughty, i swear !) it'll take some time till i get a replacement.

I got my replacement (TT FF DVB-S 1.6) from SatLand (COD) in just one day.

Your mileage may vary. I ordered only once from them so far, but
that one experience was good. Remember to order COD ("Nachnahme"),
many companies deliver slowly if you pay in advance.
Thanks, but, heck, I should get a replacement card for free since my card is not even 2 months old !

If i do not get one for some reasons I will for sure not buy anther one, since the design of the TT-FF cards is definitely brain dead (they have afair no protection against too high voltages / currents on the composite)

kind regards Philip

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