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[vdr] Re: Broken DVB-S card to give away.

Carsten Koch wrote:
I am sure many people on this mailing list can easily fix the
broken card or have other use for a partially working card
and I am willing to give it away for any good cause.
So, if you have written a VDR plugin/patch/addon or have in any
other way contributed to VDR and have use for a broken full-featured
Hauppauge DVB-S 1.3, just send me a mail and I will send you the
card for free. I will even pay for the postage. If I get more than
one request, I reserve the right to choose to whom I give the card.
The card has been shipped to Oliver Endriss to support his
"more OSD RAM" project.
I apologize to everyone else who would have liked to have it.
There *is* a demand for broken cards and I encourage everyone
else who has one to give it away to support research projects
like Oliver's.


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