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[vdr] Re: Where is NOW/NEXT title ?

Am Dienstag, 27. April 2004 09:46 schrieb RML:
> could anyone please point me to the codelines of VDR
> where the actual and next TV-show is written to
> the OSD when switching channel ?!
> I want to pass those two informations to a proc
> entry for displaying to custom LCD.
> I don't need the subtitle -- title only is enough

The cStatus object receives a call to 
virtual void OsdProgramme(time_t PresentTime, const char *PresentTitle, const 
char *PresentSubtitle, time_t FollowingTime, const char *FollowingTitle, 
const char *FollowingSubtitle)
when that happens. That's the way to obtain that info in a plugin. Patching 
VDR is not recommended unless absolutely necessary (meaning only if the 
PlugIn API doesn't provide what you want)


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