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[vdr] Re: VDR internals


Emil Naepflein wrote:
On Mon, 26 Apr 2004 21:46:43 +0200, Reinhard Nissl <>

how can I detect that replaying a recording has finished normally (by reaching the end of the recording) and not by the user having pressed the blue key respectively selecting "stop replay" from the main menu?
You probably look into the resume file and determine whether the marker
is at the end of the recording.
Sorry, but this sounds to complicated for what I want to acheive.

As xine uses a lot of buffers, you usually cannot see the "real" end of a recording as VDR calls cDevice::SetPlayMode(0) just after having played the last byte and I then internally do the same as when VDR calls cDevice::Clear(), i. e. tell xine to drop all buffers.

Doing this is ok for zapping, but is annoying when playing a radio recording, because the buffers hold 16 seconds of music.

What do you think, how I can get this piece of information?

Should there be an additional cStatus event for that case or an additional argument to SetPlayMode() or some new method (e. g. PlayerReachedEOM()), that yields this information?

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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