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[vdr] concept issue: storage location for "days_to_life"


Am I am right, that the days_to_life is stored
in the timer list, even after the recording is done?
Furthermore, if there is a recording without an
entry in the timer list, the recording is considered
to be "can-be-erased" ?

If so, I have many good reasons to change this,
either to store the days-to-life and prio together
with the recordings, or at least (or additionally) to consider 
recordings without a timer entry to be "never-erase-it".

But before I start describing my arguments, I want
to ask, if I would "preach to the choir" (offene Tueren 


BTW from earlier thread:
>> Is there a docu about the svdrd interface?
>Type HELP in an active SVDRP connection.

Yeah - thats the way I like it :) :)

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