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[vdr] Any easy way to find out if VDR cuts? => for displaying a "cut"-symbol on glcd


is there any easy way for an external script - or at least for a plug-in - to find out if there're any VDR-cuts running?

With the GLCD-Plugin there is the possibility to enable external triggered symbols on the (LCD-)screen. With a simple shell-script you can show with a symbol whether processes like NoAd, CD/DVD-Burning, DivX-compressing etc. are active. It would be very nice if I could display cutting-processes, too - but as it is just one of the vdr-processes i can't find out whether it's active just by using

ps -e | grep noad

I'm no coder, so I don't know where to search in the sources.

Another possibility would be to patch VDR, so that it would edit the /tmp/graphlcd_symbols when starting to cut and set "g0" to "g1" (which is the option GLCD looks for to show the symbol for cutting here) and back to "g0" when finished cutting. But I don't like to patch VDR...

Thanks for your help,

Hannes Stein
ICQ#: 118301645
AIM: hannsens

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